Compute Cloud access solutions for FAIR re-use of HPC research data


Prof. Christian Stemmer
Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Technische Universität München

Project Overview

The project is part of the DFG funded NFDI4Ing consortium (National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences)1. All major Tier 0 HPC facilities within GCS (HLRS, JSC, LRZ) are participants in the NFDI4Ing project2.

Within NFDI4Ing, the task area DORIS develops research data concepts and software infrastructure for engineers conducting simulations and processing measurements on HPC systems. The main goal is to make tier 0-HPC research data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).

Data from HPC applications are currently only partially accessible to other researchers as they are too large to be included in state-of-the-art repositories (e.g. MediaTUM3, DaRUS)4. The data are currently stored at HPC centers in the personal account of the data generator. Postprocessing generally is done on HPC systems. Often, this data is neither documented nor accompanied/equipped with metadata5. This is in part credited to the absence of a thorough semantics to describe engineering sciences in HPC.

We are working on solutions to make HPC data accessible to and reusable by other research groups. Individual and custom fit software solutions for research data management, that can be transferred to other HPC-systems are developed and tested within DORIS.