Within the framework of KONWIHR, a large number of larger and smaller projects have been supported since 2000. An overview of ongoing and completed projects of recent years is given below.
Current long-term support projects
- OMI4papps – Optimization, Modeling and Implementation for highly parallel applications – RRZE, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; LRZ München
- ProPE-Algorithms – Process-oriented Performance Engineering Service Infrastructure for Scientific Software at German HPC Centers
- Basis project computer center TH Deggendorf
- HPC-Stützpunkt / Basis project University of Regensburg – Lattice Quantum Field Theory and Bioinformatics
- Basis project University of Würzburg – Monte Carlo simulations of topological quantum matter
Current scientific projects
Short term
- Optimization of LuKARS_REACT – Prof. Chiogna (FAU), 2024-2
- Development of Distributed, Data parallel Fourier Domain Bloch Simulator – Prof. Zaiss (FAU), 2024-2
- Boosting the performance of 4C targeting newest HPC hardware – Prof. Wall (TUM), 2024-2
- LexicoLLM – Leveraging Large Language Models for Lexicography – Prof. Uhrig (FAU), 2024-1
- GPU Performance and Feature Enhancement of the Earthquake Cycle Simulation Software Tandem – Prof. Gabriel (LMU), 2024-1
- Dynamics of Complex Fluids – Prof. Harting (FAU), 2024-1
- Compute Cloud access solutions for FAIR re-use of HPC research data – Prof. Stemmer (TUM), 2024-1
- Performance Optimization for the SYCL implementation of UTBEST – Prof. Aizinger (Uni Bayreuth), 2023-2
- Modernizing Checkpointing and Output in the Earthquake Simulation Software SeisSol – Prof. Bader (TU München), 2023-2
- Development and optimisation of a program package for simulations of strained polymer networks – CHEMBREAK – Prof. Smith (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2023-2
- Memory optimization and OpenMP acceleration of large-scale GW calculations – Prof. Wilhelm (Uni Regensburg), 2023-2
- Vectorization of SPHinXsys, a strong-coupling, meshless multi-physics and AI-aware library – Dr. Xiangyu Hu (TU München), 2022-2
- ALPACA in Florence – first steps towards the Ponte Vecchio”: Porting ALPACA to Intel’s upcoming GPU architecture Ponte Vecchio – Prof. Adams (TU München), 2022-1
- Porting of Lattice QCD simulation software to GPUs – Prof. Wettig (University of Regensburg), 2022-1
- Massively parallel solvers for geophysical flow problems with strong viscosity variations – Prof. Rüde (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2022-1
- Continuous Benchmarking for the GHODDESS framework – Prof. Köstler (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2022-1
- Optimization of the ALF implementation of the auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo algorithm: porting to GPUS and symmetry considerations – Prof. Assaad (Uni Würzburg), 2022-1
- Efficient Remeshing in preCICE – Dr. Uekermann (TU München), 2021-2
- MRzero – Scaling of a differentiable end-to-end optimization for magnetic resonance imaging – Prof. Zaiss (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2021-2
- Largescale data processing and mass production of cosmic-ray background simulations for H.E.S.S. – Prof. van Eldik (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2021-2
- Semiempirische Molekülorbital-Theorie für sehr große Systeme II – Prof. Clark (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2021-2
- Fast and scalable finite element algorithms for coupled multiphysics problems and non-matching grids – Dr. Kronbichler / Prof. Wall (TU München), 2021-1
- Thinking beyond SuperMUC-NG: Porting MGLET to GPUs – Prof. Manhart (TU München), 2020
- Implementation of hyper-dimensional thermodynamic integration for parallel HPC molecular dynamics simulation using LAMMPS – Prof. Zahn (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Scattering Tool to Advance Research of Materials Structure (STAR-MiSt) – Prof. Pöschel (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- High-order matrix-free finite element implementations with hybrid parallelization and improved data locality – Dr. Kronbichler / Prof. Wall (TU München), 2020
- Semiempirische Molekülorbital-Theorie für sehr große Systeme – Prof. Clark (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Implementation of multiscale X-DFA – a Fourier analysis for X-ray radiograms – Prof. Pöschel (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Analyse der parallelen Skalierbarkeit für unterschiedliche Turbulenzmodelle unter Berücksichtigung der Gittergrößen mittels des CFD-Codes ANSYS CFX für den Anwendungsfall der Radialventilatoren – Prof. Epple (HS Coburg), 2019
- Optimizing and Parallelizing a 3D freeze drying simulation – Prof. Pöschel (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2019
- TELEMAC – Optimierung einer Modellumgebung für großräumige und langzeitliche Simulationen am SuperMUC – Prof. Rutschmann (TU München), 2018
- Efficient and Scalable Implementation of Hartree-Fock Exchange within the Ultrasoft Pseudopotential Branch of the CPMD code – Prof. Meyer (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2018
- Matrix based particle interactions in a meshless multiphysics solver – Prof. Pöschel (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2018
- Parallelization and Optimization of Numerical Methods in the Polaris(MD) Molecular Dynamics Software – Prof. Zacharias (TU München), 2017
- Effiziente Simulationsexperimente zur Parameteroptimierung speicherintensiver computerlinguistischer Lernverfahren – Prof. Evert (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2016
Completed scientific projects
- EMPIRE – Ein Höchstleistungsprogramm für die semiempirische Molekülorbital-Theorie
- BG.DAF – Bavarian Genome Data and Analysis Facility
- Optimization of Material Evaluation in a Radiance Transport Simulation – Prof. Selgrad (OTH Regensburg), 2024-1
- Optimization of LuKARS – Prof. Chiogna (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2024-1
- Performance-Optimierung und Parallelisierung eines Codes zur Lösung von partiellen Differentialgleichungen auf dünnen Gittern – Prof. Pflaum (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2023-1
- Unbinned analysis framework for Gammapy – Prof. Funk (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2023-1
- Improving FAIRness of HPC research data – Prof. Stemmer (TU München), 2022
- HPC mixed precision quantization of encoder-decoder deep neural networks – Prof. Kist (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2022-1
- Optimisation of SeisSol for Large Scale Simulations of Induced Earthquakes – Prof. Bader (TU München), 2021-1
- Greedy algorithms for fair allocations and efficient assignments within facility location optimization problems – Dr. Singh (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2021
- Talking Hands – creating HPC processes for improved person and gesture detection and recognition on a large audiovisual dataset – Prof. Uhrig (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Embedding Python COSIPY in WRF for improved simulations over glaciers – Dr. Collier (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Parallel mesh loading and partitioning for large-scale simulation – Prof. Frank (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Optimization of Dynamic Mesh Handling in preCICE – Dr. Uekermann (TU München), 2020
- COPI:GLECHA: Code Optimierung für die interferometrische Auswertung von Satellitendaten zur globalen Bestimmung von Gletscherhöhenänderungen – Prof. Braun (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2020
- Efficient finite cell computations for image-based analyses – Prof. Rank (TU München), 2019
- Integration of efficient compute kernels for phase field models into the waLBerla simulation framework using code generation and performance engineering techniques – Prof. Köstler (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2019
- Coarse grid solver optimization for extreme-scale geometric multigrid methods on hierarchical hybrid grids – Prof. Rüde (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2019
- MARQOV – A modern framework for classical spin models and lattice field theory on general topologies – Dr. Goth (Uni Würzburg), 2019
- Parallel in Time Integration with Rational Approximations targeting Weather and Climate Simulations – Dr. Schreiber (TU München), 2019
- Spacefilling Fractal Tilings – Prof. Arndt (TH Nürnberg), 2019-1
- Efficient checkpointing technique for the unsteady adjoint solver in SU2 – Prof. Becker (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2019
- Effective OpenFOAM MPI-I/O library for HDF5 archive output – Prof. Becker (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2019
- Efficient parallel HPC implementation of pH-dependence in molecular dynamics simulation using LAMMPS – Prof. Zahn (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2019
- Scalable framework for scoring deleteriousness of genetic variants with CADD and Kipoi – Prof. Gagneur (TU München), 2019
- High Performance Emulation for File System like I/O (HiPEF) – Prof. Rost (TU München), 2019
- Implementation von Vektoroperationen für SBCL – Dr. Neuß (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2018
- Hochparallele Berechnung vieler innerer und eng benachbarter Eigenwerte fermionischer und hochangeregter exzitonischer Systeme [PEigFEx] – Dr. Hager (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2018
- OpenACC for a cosmo Gadget – Dr. Dolag (Universitäts-Sternwarte München), 2018
- High-fidelity large-scale CFD simulations on SuperMUC-NG: Improving accuracy and reproducibility of high-resolution schemes – Prof. Adams (TU München), 2018
- SIMD-optimisation of the CFD software package MGLET for SuperMUC-NG – Prof. Manhart (TU München), 2018
- Automatisierte Planung von Machine-Learning-Experimenten für Benchmarking und AutoML – Prof. Bischl (LMU München), 2018
- A Scalable Implementation of Complex Substitution Models for Phylogenetic Inference from Large-Scale Genomic Data – Prof. Wörheide ( LMU München), 2018
- Performance tuning of high-order discontinuous Galerkin solvers for SuperMUC-NG – Dr. Kronbichler (TU München), 2018
- Cancer Progression Models – Prof. Wettig (Uni Regensburg), 2018
- Optimizing the Parallel Granular Gas Solver to study the crater formation – Prof. Pöschel (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2018
- Algorithms and data structures for matrix-free finite element multigrid operators with MPI-parallel sparse multi-vectors – Dr. Davydov (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2018
- High-performance implementation of the Geometric Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Framework (GEMPIC) – Prof. Sonnendrücker (TU München), 2017
- Computational methods for mapping of regulatory elements from large-scale RNA-sequencing compendia – Prof. Gagneur (TU München), 2017
- Dynamics of Complex Fluids – Prof. Harting (Helmholtz Institut / FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2017
- Computing continuum fields from particle data – Prof. Pöschel (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2017
- Matrix-free GPU kernels for complex applications in fluid dynamics – Prof. Wall (TU München), 2017
- Matrix-Free Finite Cell Method – Prof. Rank (TU München), 2017
- Fraktale Monsterkurven – Prof. Arndt (TH Nürnberg), 2017
- Integrating gesture annotation into a unified HPC workflow for the automatic analysis of large quantities of multimodal data within the Distributed Little Red Hen Lab – Dr. Uhrig (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2016
- Improving the Parallelism of Ultrasoft Pseudopotential Calculations within the CPMD code – Prof. Meyer (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2016
- Performance-Optimierung eines iterativen Maxwell-Lösers – Prof. Pflaum (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2016
- Analyse und Stärkung der Multi-Core Komponente in Gascoigne 3D – Dr. Richter (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2016
- CFS++MPI: Erweiterung von CFS++ um MPI-parallelisierte Löser – Dr. Wein (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2016
- Fast & Flexible Poisson-Boltzmann Solver – Prof. Greiner (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2015
- Scalable Data and Visualisation Output Strategies within the WaLBerla-framework – Prof. Rüde (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2015
- Optimierungstechniken für explizite Verfahren zur GPU-beschleunigten Lösung von Anfangswertproblemen gewöhnlicher Differenzialgleichungen (OTEGO) – Dr. Korch (Uni Bayreuth), 2015
- Highly-parallelized boundary integral implementation for blood flow simulations – Prof. Gekle (Uni Bayreuth), 2015
- Optimization and implementation of novel quantum Monte Carlo methods for strongly correlated electron systems – Prof. Assaad (Uni Würzburg), 2015
- Monte Carlo Streustrahlensimulation zur Beschleunigung von deterministischen Simulationen für industrielle Computertomographie – Prof. Hanke (Uni Würzburg), 2015
- Dynamic adaptive meshing for direct numerical simulations of turbulence at large Reynolds numbers and complex flow geometries – Prof. Jovanovic (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2015
- Advanced Parallel Simulation of Colloidal Structuring at the nanoscale: Parallel Computing Optimization of LAMMPS and a Phase Field Crystal Simulation Code – Prof. Emmerich (Uni Bayreuth), 2015
- waLBerla-MC – A Widely Applicable Lattice-Boltzmann Solver for Many-Core Architectures – Lehrstuhl für Systemsimulation (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2013
- GeoPF – Geophysics for PetaFlop Computing – Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften (LMU München), 2013
Comprehensive scientific presentations of project results
Comprehensive scientific presentations of the project results can also be found in the proceedings of the HLRB/KONWIHR review workshops:

- High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2002 – Transactions of the First Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Status and Result Workshop, October 10-11, 2002, Technical University of Munich, Germany, S. Wagner, W. Hanke, A. Bode, and F. Durst (Eds.), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg), 2003, ISBN 3-540-00474-2.
- High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004 – Transactions of the Second Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Status and Result Workshop, March 2-3, 2004, Technical University of Munich, and Leibniz-Rechenzentrum Munich, Germany, S. Wagner, W. Hanke, A. Bode, and F. Durst (Eds.), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg), 2005, ISBN 978-3-540-44326-1. DOI: 10.1007/b137893
- High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching 2004 – Transaction of the KONWIHR Result Workshop, October 14-15, 2004, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany, A. Bode and F. Durst (Eds.), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg), 2005, ISBN 978-3-540-26145-2.
- High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2007 Transactions of the Third Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Status and Result Workshop, Dec. 3-4, 2007, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Garching/Munich, Germany, S. Wagner, M. Steinmetz, A. Bode, M. Brehm (Eds), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg), 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-69181-5.
Popular scientific presentations from the KONWIHR environment
A wide variety of scientific and popular-scientific presentations from the KONWIHR environment can be found in the regularly published Quartl.
Further information is available on the respective project pages as well as at the KONWIHR offices in Munich and Erlangen.