KONWIHR funds a range of activities, most commonly scientific projects in collaboration with the computing centers LRZ and NHR@FAU. Contact your local computing center to discuss how KONWIHR funding could benefit your code and group. They will help you write a proposal, and they will mentor you in implementing the project, in case awarded. While the computing centers also provide other ways for user support, a KONWIHR project provides a framework that makes everything easier for both you and the centers.
Fundable activities
The following fields of activity are typically considered eligible:
- Performance analysis and optimization
- Analysis of the solvers and algorithms used and testing of possible alternatives
- Analysis of the algorithmic basic routines used (numerical solvers, grid generation, load distribution, etc.) and testing of possible alternatives
- Analysis of single-processor performance, communication behavior, and parallel scaling with professional tools
- Optimization and parallelization of existing codes from the fields of simulation, optimization, or data analysis / machine learning
- Development of energy-efficient software
- Parallelization and new architectures
- Development and implementation of new parallel codes under special consideration of current parallel computer architectures
- Evaluation of alternative computer architectures and parallelization approaches, such as GPGPUs or FPGAs, hybrid approaches (MPI+X) or OpenACC
- Adaptation of software packages: Evaluation of suitable computer systems, compilers, and libraries; improvement of restart and I/O capabilities; integration of systems at the LRZ or NHR@FAU in simulation or data analysis workflows
- Algorithms for HPC
- Development, evaluation, and implementation of new numerical methods, with special attention to the properties of current hardware
- Research Software Engineering for HPC
- Increasing maintainability and sustainability of open-source, HPC-focused codes
- Introduction of new scientific domains to HPC
The primary target architectures for this work are the workhorses of the two computer centers involved: the federal supercomputer SuperMUC-NG and the extensive Linux clusters at the LRZ, as well as the clusters of NHR@FAU in Erlangen.
Funding possibilities
Scientific projects
Funding is provided for projects at Bavarian colleges and universities. Funding is based on the duration of the project and can amount to a maximum of 10,000 € (small project with three months) or up to 50,000 € for projects with a duration of twelve months.
The projects must be carried out in close cooperation with one of the two computer centers (LRZ/NHR@FAU). In particular, the funded project staff member should spend a longer period (about 50% of the project duration) at one of the two centers in order to be able to draw directly on the HPC expertise there. For applicants outside the Erlangen and Munich/Garching locations, a subsidy for travel and subsistence costs can be granted upon application.
Scope of project applications:
- Small projects (up to 3 months / 10,000€): description of project objectives, work to be carried out, and rough work plan and timetable, on about 2 pages
- Large projects (up to twelve months / 50,000€): more detailed description, work plan, and timetable, including additional preparatory work and the methods used on a total of 6 pages
In addition to the technical project application, we ask you to provide more details as outlined in the template for project applications.
Project applications can be submitted to the KONWIHR office at any time by sending an e-mail to info@konwihr.de . However, they will only be reviewed at semi-annual intervals (deadlines are March 1 and September 1).
Before submitting an application, it is strongly recommended to contact one of the two computer centers in order to ensure the availability of staff and specialist knowledge. Applications must be submitted by the lead scientist and will be evaluated externally with regard to their scientific quality and their integration into the funding measures.
Applications for grants for courses or workshops related to KONWIHR topics are possible.
Basis projects
The aim of the KONWIHR basic projects is to establish central contact partners for questions on research, support, and training at the HPC at Bavarian universities and colleges. These contact persons should have basic HPC knowledge and take on the following tasks:
- Availability for questions on the efficient use of local HPC systems
- Advising researchers whose computing time requirements cannot be covered locally in terms of capacity or architecture
- Support with access to non-local computing systems and, if necessary, with the necessary application procedures
- Point the way to further consulting and training offers
- Contact for questions about KONWIHR, support of local researchers in applying for KONWIHR projects
In the course of these basis projects, HPC activities at Bavarian universities should be better connected in the long term. KONWIHR will organize a regular exchange on current problems and issues.
More information on how to apply for the basis projects can be found on the basis projects page.