Building on previous findings of HPC experts at RRZE, researchers from the University of Würzburg (Institute of Theoretical Physics) were able to optimize one of the bottlenecks in their code,…
Being supported by KONWIHR also means being part of a network of researchers with similar challenges. All (newly) supported projects are invited to briefly present and discuss their project with…
Being supported by KONWIHR also means being part of a network of researchers with similar challenges. All (newly) supported projects are invited to briefly present and discuss their project with…
Wir freuen uns bekanntgeben zu können, dass aus der Antragsrunde 2019/1 insgesamt 7 Forschungs- und 3 RZ-Basisprojekte mit einem Gesamtfördervolumen von 250.000 € genehmigt wurden: Spacefilling Fractal Tilings – Prof.…